Would you like to improve management and leadership styles in your company or organisation?

Our Leadership Styles Self-Awareness tool is an amazing, cost effective way to help your leaders and managers identify the styles and behaviours they adopt in their role and provides recommendations to help your managers adapt and improve both style and behaviour.

The tool is ideal for use on management development courses and may be used as a self-awareness tool or to provide 360-degree feedback.

The tool identifies five key behaviours that are represented by shapes to help you recall them.

TriangleThe Triangle is the focused leader 

Feedback about this role shows the extent to which focused leaders are an asset to your organisation, or the extent to which they should be developing more focused behaviour.

It also highlights how the focused leader needs to be aware of the problems that can occur when this style is overused.



CircleThe Circle is the people person

Feedback about this role highlights the benefits of taking time to listen to employees, support, develop and release the potential of your team members.

People scoring low on this style receive tips, ideas, and recommendations for improving their soft skills.


SquiggleThe Squiggle is the entrepreneurial leader

This style is not a requirement for all leadership roles. However, managers begin to understand the importance of business improvement, creativity and facilitating ideas and contribution for team members.

Sometimes squiggles come up with bizarre, off the wall ideas and managers receive feedback that includes how to develop as an entrepreneurial leader and how to work alongside the entrepreneurial leader.  

The Rectangle is the hands-on leader

Feedback on this style explores the extent to which the manager loves to roll up her or his sleeves and work alongside the team. As a rule, the more senior the role, the less hands on a manager should be because they should be focusing on the bigger picture.

Feedback on this style is helpful to managers and supervisors at all levels as they can begin to determine how hands-on they need to be, and what is expected of them from higher management.

SquareThe Square is the analytical leader

Some leaders need to concentrate on control, detail, production, financial achievement, and compliance.

Feedback on this role helps managers to understand both their positive contribution to the workplace and the dangers of becoming too aloof.



The Report

The result of using this tool with your leaders is a comprehensive report that produces a profile along with recommendations for improving each style depending on the manager’s role.

The Benefits

  • More productive work teams, as managers and supervisors know how to provide a good balance of focus and motivation, so team members become motivated and productive
  • Managers are more confident and equipped to lead teams efficiently and appropriately
  • In-company trainers have a tool to assist in management development programmes
  • The tool provides valuable feedback that can support HR and senior management in performance management, appraisals, and continuous improvement
  • This tool can be used as the foundation for management coaching

And if you need further help, we are available to offer advice or continue working with you to support your management teams.

What next?

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